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Balsamic Whiskey Roast Pork Tenderloin, with Fried Sage, Mash and Whiskey zucchini

That was a lot of "Whiskey" but it's really a flavour compliment to a very dynamic yet easy to make meal!

I think I may eat pork too often.... but I like it and its versatile. I mean there are chops, shoulder steaks, roast, and then by far the tastiest cut... the tenderloin. Even it's name says, this is going to melt in your mouth!!! So when I saw this two pack at Superstore that was hormone and antibiotic free, I had to bring it home with me.....

To start I set the oven to 350 degrees to heat up and then sprinkled the loins with black pepper, sage, garlic powder and pink salt; ensuring I provided some of each to each side of the meat.

I added some oil to the pan and started the cooking process as is with just the seasoning.

In the mean time I started to boil some potatoes on the stove for a mash and washed and cut some zucchini length wise for the side veg.

I tossed up a zucchini marinade of avocado oil, soya sauce, sesame oil and a splash of whiskey. You don't need a lot of any of the ingredients provided you either have a really shallow dish or are prepared to give it a toss every few minutes.

I put the zucchini on a baking sheet and also put them in the oven for approximately 15-20 minutes while I made the balsamic whiskey glaze. This is a super simple glaze its 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar 3 Tbsp of coconut sugar 1 Tbsp of soya sauce and 2 Tbsp of Whiskey. Mix together in a sauce pan and stir constantly on high heat until this starts turning into a glaze, then set aside to cool slightly before coating the top of your tenderloin.

Probably my favourite part of this dish is the fried sage... It's probably the reason I grow sage! This is seriously the best taste ever! Only topped by the fact that I can walk outside and pick it fresh seconds before it hits the frying pan.

This takes a very small amount of oil as the sage will release some liquid too. Some minced garlic and a dash of salt. Cook over low heat, watching in carefully and stirring occasionally. You do want it to start sizzling and look like it's crisping up.

End result should be similar to this....

Time to plate this out! layer your plate with mash and perch the dials of cut pork loin on top. Side with the cooked sliced zucchini and top with the fried sage. It looks and smells amazing! The flavor between the whiskey, balsamic and sage is a blend not normally paired but works amazingly. Give it a try!

The recipe:

Cook a pork tenderloin in the oven at 350. Dust with oil, sage, black pepper, garlic powder and pink salt. This should cook until just before an internal temperature of about 150 degrees.

Make mash potatoed as you usually would.

Slice zucchini lengthwise and place in a marinade of 2 Tbsp each of soya sauce, sesame oil, avocado oil and splash of whisky. Marinade for as long as you can, but the flesh of a zucchini does retain flavour quickly. Place in the oven with the tenderloin for about 15-20 minutes.

Stir up the balsamic glaze. 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar, 3 Tbsp's of coconut sugar, 1 Tbsp of soya sauce and 2 Tbsp of whiskey. Bring to a boil on the stove until it starts forming a glaze. Let it cool slightly but then pour over the tenderloin and place back in the oven until it hits 160-170 degrees internally.

Take fresh sage leaves and 1 minced clove of garlic and pan fry with oil on the stove. The sage should become crispy and wilted.

Plate this out and serve!


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