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Pork Belly Burnt Ends on Zucchini Salad


I don't know which is the show stopper? Both are delicious and equally awesome on their own.

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I got the idea for the zucchini salad from . It looked so fresh and flavorful I had to try it! I have made pork belly burnt ends a few times now and I'm in love there as well! The flavour from them is basically incredible! I'll start with the salad..

I have a fun little spiralizer that works well for this. Normally I can find solutions to not having a specific kitchen tool and I suppose in this case for flavour you could use a cheese grater, but it won't look as pretty!

For this salad I used coleslaw mix, yellow pepper, cilantro and fresh green onion and mint from my garden.

This is an Asian style salad, I'm sure any other dressing could change the style of this if it works well with mint and cilantro which are prominent flavours. I found this new raw dressing called mother raw and they had a Japanese dressing, which worked really well on this salad!

I tossed this up, but you want to use tongs to spin the zucchini spirals for the presentation piece! It's a good looking salad!

On to the pork belly... I found a large pork belly for a really good price at Save on Foods. I had some time to kill while the C2's were at dance class so I was browsing! Honestly that is how I come up with some of my ideas for meals and find new products, walking through isles and seeing food I would not otherwise know of or see when I simple shop from my grocery list! That's how the pork belly came to be in this house!

To start I cut the skin off, trying my best to not score or damage the remaining meat too much.

Once that was done I cut the meat into strips and then again into about 1-2 inch lengths.

I found this Korean BBQ seasoning that I felt would work perfectly and so I created a blend of 1/2 cup coconut sugar and 1/2 of the BBQ seasoning. I tossed the pork belly in the mix carefully ensuring that the pieces were completely covered.

These are wonderful smoked! But the oven version I'm about to explain is also very tasty! I didn't have an abundance of time so the oven version made this a quick and easy 20 minute cooking process. I turned the oven on to 375 degrees and layered the pork belly out with a drip pan. I did keep an eye on these given they are small chunks of meat... so keep in mind 2 minutes can mean the difference of burnt ends and charred to a crisp ends.

Once finished stack these onto the zucchini salad! Voila! dinner served!

The Recipe:

The pork belly. Take your cut of meat and cube the meat into small 2 inch pieces.

Pick a seasoning of your choice, but blend it with sugar in equal proportions so that the meat caramelizes.

Cook in the oven at 375 degrees for approximately 20 minutes.

The salad is 2 zucchini spiralized

1/2 cup of cilantro

1 cup of coleslaw mix

1/4 cup of mint leaves chopped

1/4 cup of green onions chopped

1/2 a yellow pepper chopped.

Toss well with a dressing of your choice, in this case with a Asian vibe!


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