Turkey Dinner with Gravy and Pomegranate
Who needs cranberry sauce, when you can have turkey dinner with pomegranate!

This dinner honestly could not have been simpler, despite how elegant it turned out! The Instapot really came through as a time saver and create quite possibly the juiciest turkey I have ever tasted... here is how I did it!
The spice blend on this was some olive oil, dried rosemary, garlic salt, and marjoram.
I seared the turkey breast on high heat, ensuring to brown it on all sides before placing it in the Instapot. I placed a cup of chicken broth in the bottom and closed this puppy up for 25 minutes on manual high pressure.
In the mean time I started the mashed potatoes... I used organic yellow potatoes and left the skins on to give some additional texture and flavour!

On to the cauliflower.... I cut up a whole head length wise and tried to keep the full profile of the cauli on as many slices as I could. I placed these down on a parchment lined baking tray and drizzled them with olive oil.
My secret ingredient isn't actually mine, but a seasoning I absolutely love!! I know that #jesspryles Hardcore Carnivore is intended for game and lamb but don't underestimate the taste it can bring to the humble cauliflower when roasted! It's my favourite! #hardcorecarnivore I popped these in a 350 degree oven for about 25 minnutes... they were ready to go about the same time as it took me to slice up the turkey. Nice!

Check these out all done! The smell was awesome!

For the gravy I cheated a bit with a packaged organic gravy, but I omitted the water and exclusively used the chicken broth, and now drippings from the Instapot... I also ensured any of the rosemary and other seasoning from the turkey that dropped to the bottom, made it in the gravy for extra flavour.

Time to plate this out!!!!
Sprinkle with the pomegranite arols and serve!!!

The Recipe:
Take your turkey breast and drizzle with oil to ensure the spices will stick.
There is no real measurement to the spices but I would say be generous with the garlic salt and oregano, go lighter on the marjoram and rosemary, some of it won't stick anyways and will be left in the pan.
Cook in the Instapot for 25 minutes on manual high pressure.
Cook mashed potatoes as you see fit. I used almond milk and earth balance to mash to ensure they were dairy free, but use anything you can eat!
The cauli was sliced lengthwise and placed on a parchment lined pan. Drizzle with olive oil. I used Hard Core Carnivore spice but really use any steak or meat rub spice you have.
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes... try and get this in within 5-10 minnutes of turning on the instapot.
Cook some turkey gravy and plate out! Enjoy!
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